British Gas contact details – phone numbers, postal address, etc

To contact British Gas for customer service assistance or any other support matter, you can call their freephone sales & general enquiries helpline number: 0800 048 0202.

In case this helpline or number loses its service or does not relate to your enquiry type, please refer to the table below for a comprehensive index of British Gas’ contact telephone numbers.

Useful phone numbers for British Gas

Helpline Phone number
Customer service 0800 048 0202
Sales – join British Gas 0800 980 6005
Business enquiries 0800 107 3457
Installations (of energy supply) 0800 072 5280
Theft (of energy) 0800 587 2737
Energy Saving Advice 0800 072 8629
Complaints 0800 072 8632
British Gas HomeCare 0800 048 1000
Hive products & services 0800 980 8614

Further contact details

Alternatively, you may prefer to contact British Gas by means other than a telephone. In such cases, you can send them a paper letter, document or package in the post to their customer service postal address:

British Gas Customer Services, PO Box 226, Rotherham, S98 1PB, United Kingdom.

You can also contact the British Gas customer service team for help via Twitter – their handle isĀ @BritishGasHelp.

Contents Copyright © James Lovelock and other copyright holders, 1965 - 2024.