SSE contact details – phone numbers, email address, etc

Customers can phone SSE on their general enquiries contact number 0345 071 9710 for all gas & electricity queries including billing, new connections and to submit meter readings.

This telephone number is suitable for all SSE enquiries including existing customers and sales. However if you would prefer to contact a specific department directly to avoid being put on hold you should examine the table below to find the correct helpline.

Useful phone numbers for SSE

Helpline Phone number
General enquiries 0345 071 9710
Sales 0330 102 8313
Broadband 0345 071 9886
Meter readings 0345 026 7033
Business enquiries 0345 725 2526
Complaints 0345 071 9853
Cancellations 0345 026 7058
Emergencies 0800 111 999

Further contact details

Customers may prefer to write letters to SSE about their energy supply hence you can post documents, correspondence and complaints to their offices located at this Perth address:

Inveralmond House,
200 Dunkeld Road,
PH1 3AQ,
United Kingdom.

Alternatively you can correspond with SSE advisors by sending an email to their online address

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