E.ON contact details – phone numbers, postal address, etc

UK residents can phone E.ON customer services on their national telephone contact number 0345 303 3040 for general enquiries about their gas and electricity supply.

This helpline is suitable for all customer care queries ranging from your energy bills to submitting an accurate meter reading. However please consult the helpful table of contact numbers below if you would prefer to call a specific department directly.

Useful phone numbers for E.ON

Helpline Phone number
Customer services 0345 303 3040
International helpline +44 115 843 4373
Sales and cancellations 0345 302 3473
Complaints 0333 202 4606
Home-movers 0345 303 3020
Billing enquiries 0345 059 9905
Smart-meter support 0345 366 5996
Online technical support 0345 301 5933
Business tariffs 0333 202 4586
Gas emergency helpline 0800 111 999
Report a power cut 105

Further contact details

If you would rather write to E.ON instead of phoning their helplines then you can send formal written correspondence as well as documents such as evidence relating to a billing dispute to their UK postal address:

E.ON Customer Service Centre,
PO Box 7750,
NG1 6WR,
United Kingdom.

However you can get customer service support via the E.ON Twitter page by sending a message using their handle @eonhelp. They can provide assistance between the hours of 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 8am-6pm on Saturdays.

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