
The Ecologist podcasts recorded at the Science Media Centre, 28 November 2006, as 13 .mp3 files each several minutes long.

‘‘James Lovelock, the world famous scientist and environmentalist behind ‘Gaia’ theory (the view of the earth as an entirely interlinked system), speaks to journalists about ‘global heating’, nuclear power, and why Siberian real-estate might be a good option.’’

5 Billion Excess People – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Are there 5 billion excess people on the planet at the moment? Professor Lovelock seems to think so
Are Our Personal Actions Any Use? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Does changing a lightbulb really do any good?
Are We All Doomed? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
A nervous journalist asks the ultimate question.
Are We The Virus? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Does humanity need to be cut out of the ecosystem?
Gaia as Theory and Religion – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
‘Gaia’ is the name given by the ancient Greeks to the Earth. Is it really appropriate for a scientific theory?
Gaia Theory Development – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
How did the theory come about? Why was Lovelock ostracised by his peers?
Has IPCC Got It Wrong? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change any use?
How Far North Do We Go? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
The camel is packed and the water loaded – but will Scotland be far enough in 2050?
The Nuclear Question – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Our own reporter asks James Lovelock how he can justify his support for nuclear power?
Ocean Positive Feedback – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
What’s the most terrifying ‘feedback’ effect of global heating likely to be? Listen for the answer…
Planetary Dunkirk Spirit – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
It’s not all doom and gloom. Lovelock thinks we’ll be singing ‘Roll out the Barrel’ in a few decades…
Siberia: The New China – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Where are one billion Chinese going to move to when China can’t grow any more crops?
Why Global Heating? – James Lovelock, 28/11/2006
Why ‘global warming’ is “just too cosy” a term.
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