EDF Energy contact details – phone numbers, postal address, etc

Existing customers can contact EDF Energy by phoning their memorable freephone customer service helpline number: 0800 056 7777.

New customers can phone EDF Energy on their freephone sales hotline number: 0800 096 4063.

Alternatively, new and existing customers alike can contact EDF Energy via this landline phone number 0113 820 7117 which is charged at standard rate and is compatible with free minutes allowances.

A note about call costs

0800 numbers are freephone numbers, meaning they are completely free of charge to call from any UK landline or mobile phone (since 2015).

Prior to freephone numbers becoming free to call from mobile phones in 2015, it was recommended that new and existing customers alike should phone the alternative landline number 0113 820 7117 to get through to contact sales and customer service operators at standard rate call costs.

This landline number still functions today, and is compatible with free minutes allowances, but freephone numbers such as the 0800 numbers above don’t eat into your tariff’s or bundle’s inclusive free minutes allowances so it’s always best to call 0800 numbers (since they became completely free to call from mobiles as of 1st July 2015, and were always free to call from landlines).

Useful freephone numbers for EDF Energy

Helpline Phone number
Customer service 0800 056 7777
Sales – join EDF Energy 0800 096 4063
Gas Emergencies (24 hours) 0800 111 999
Debt helpline 0808 156 6666

Further contact details

If you wish to write in to EDF Energy customer services instead of phoning them, or if you have a document or parcel to deliver, please send your mail to this postal address:


This is a valid complete British postal address, with zero postage cost (no stamp required).

Alternatively you may wish to reach out to EDF Energy on Twitter – their customer service account’s username is @EDFEnergyCS and they are online ready to help you between the hours of 8am-8pm, Monday to Friday.

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