Npower contact details – phone numbers, postal address, etc

Call the Npower freephone contact number 0800 073 3000 for customer service enquiries about your gas and electricity bills. Here you can also send general enquiries about your energy supply.

Although this helpline can be used for all support queries you may instead wish to contact a customer care team that is dedicated to a particular department, to do so you may use the list provided below.

Useful phone numbers for Npower

Helpline Phone number
Customer services 0800 073 3000
Sales – join Npower 0808 156 0056
Tariff renewals 0800 316 9044
Smart meters 0800 980 9907
Complaints 0800 316 9328
Online support 0800 316 9331
Gas leaks 0800 111 999
Power cuts 105

Further contact details

You can also reach Npower by sending letters, documents and other postal correspondence to their customer relations office in Staffordshire:

Npower, Customer Relations, PO Box 7760, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 9FX, United Kingdom.

Alternatively you can send a tweet to the Npower customer service team found on Twitter by using their handle @NpowerHelp.

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